Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A team of 5 individuals or 5 individuals of a team ???

Just a few days back , i was doing a project with my friends ,it was then that while having a cup of coffee {as u know a cup of coffee in the night at 1:00 am opens all the closed doors of mind} i felt like "yes , now we are working as a team ,well a team of 5 persons, 5 individuals (?) ".
But then the ever-doubtful mind fired back to me is it a team of five individuals or is it that we are five individuals of the team. The question might seem absurd but it gives a lot of thought to ponder about .

A team of individuals{forget about 5 now } means that there are more than one centers of power in the team and though it does have certain disadvantages but its one thing which enhances the level of creativity in the team members. U cann't think positively if you know that there is someone who is always there to instruct you that this is what you have to do,this is how you have t do and this is when you have to do. Well, I tell you what I think in such a situation, I think "ok, so if u r so intelligent and i am such a dumb why are you asking me to do that ??? come on and do it yourself."And no, I am not far from the truth when I say that this is the majority thinks. And thats why todays entrepreneurs try to involve their employees into the mainstream to let them believe that they are a part of the company and not just a paid worker.
When this feeling of my company comes into existence the result is that people get to work independently and thats when the real Creativity comes out .Enrichment of the leadership qualities , and increase in amount of quality productive work are some of the positive results which may be seen if the relation between a team (or a company) and its members(employees) is that of "A team of individuals".

But this is just one side of a coin, the adverse side of the above relation shows that whenever the team-member relation is of the form" A team of individuals" , the feeling of team-spirit becomes feeble and the problem of clashing egos ,cold wars of ideas come into the picture and even worse, the new members of the team don't get enough chances to learn from the experience of the old members. So the other kind of relation which may exist in between a team and its members may be of "Individuals of a team". Here all the individuals work together to form the back-end of the team .They might be separate individuals for an outsiders but the team works in a state of bonding ,this coherency between various members of a team generates a feeling of co-operation and team-spirit, a feeling of being secure ,a feeling that "there are people to back me up ,to support me" generates a lot of self-confidence in the individuals . This is like having a "Sachin Tendulkar " in the team .

So, there are goods and their are bads of both the relations, the big question that stays on such a situation is what kind of relation should i try to develop in my fellow-mates if i were to have a company or for that matter any team.

Well, a perfect answer is never possible to any kind of question and this is no exception. But if i were to give an answer i will like to have a balance of the two kinds of relations. You have to have a feeling of team spirit within the people who work together and whose jobs are directly related to each other more so because these are the people who can share their knowledge and experience among them.But when we are talking about people who interact only once in a fortnight and who are complete(or almost complete ) in their jobs with their small set of team (say a part of the company) need more of the feeling of independence the felling of being free from constrained thinking the freedom to think independently and frankly, to have innovation and to show creativity.
So in a nutshell this is what i deduced as my mug of coffee was almost empty and i had a few unanswered chat boxes waiting for my reply .
Within a department/section of the company where the employees have related jobs a relation of the kind "individuals of a team " provides a better outlook .But the different parts of the company should be organised like small teams and these teams make the company implementing " a team of individuals". Here everybody is in a kind of relation with his mates, he feels secure but at the same time he knows that no"Tom,Dick N Harry "is going to come and ask him to do something that way just because he likes it that way or worse if thats because this is the way he has read about the things working....".